BISE AJK 1st Year 2nd Annual Exams 2024 Forms Schedule

Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Mirpur AJK, is preparing to hold the 1st-year 2nd annual exams for 2024. These exams are an opportunity for students who either scored below 33% in their previous exams or were absent and have been promoted to the next class. Such students can appear in the intermediate part 1 second annual exams to improve their results. The students can get the latest updates of BISE AJK 1st Year 2nd Annual Exams 2024 Forms Schedule.
Application Submission Details
Students eligible for these exams must submit their application forms according to the AJK Board 11th Class 2nd Annual Exams 2024 schedule. Applications can be submitted with a normal fee between September 27, 2024, and October 7, 2024. Those submitting forms in person at the board office must do so by October 7, while applications sent by mail must arrive by October 12, 2024.
Form Submission and Fee Payment Guidelines Students are advised to follow the latest guidelines on how to submit their forms and pay the examination fees. These can be done at the board office or through designated banks, within the specified deadline.
Opportunity to Improve Exam Performance
The upcoming second annual exams provide a chance for students to reappear in the subjects they failed during the first annual exams, allowing them to improve their marks and overall performance.