UMT Lahore BBA BS MS M.Phil PhD Admission 2024

UMT: Redefining Undergraduate Education in Pakistan open admission 2024
In the dynamic landscape of higher education in Pakistan, the University of Management and Technology UMT stands out as a beacon of innovation and excellence. With a commitment to fostering leadership, entrepreneurship, technological proficiency, quantitative reasoning, and holistic wellbeing, UMT has secured its place as a leading private sector university in the country. Recognized in the World University Rankings 2023, UMT offers a diverse array of undergraduate programs across various disciplines, preparing students for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.
Dr. Hasan Murad School of Management:
BBA H - Post ADP
BS Management and Technology
BS Accounting and Finance
BS Operations and Supply Chain Management
BS Economics
BS Business Management and Accounting
School of Commerce and Accountancy:
B Com H
BS Accounting
BS E-Commerce
BS Business Management and Accounting
School of Design and Textile:
Bachelor of Fashion Design
Bachelor of Visual Communication Design
Bachelor of Textile Design
BS Textiles
Bachelor of Interior Design
School of Food and Agricultural Sciences:
BS Human Nutrition and Dietetics
BS Food Science and Technology
School of Governance and Society:
BS Public Administration
School of Professional Psychology:
BS Clinical Psychology
BS Psychology
School of Health Sciences:
BS Optometry and Vision Sciences
BS Medical Imaging and Ultrasonography
BS Medical Laboratory Sciences
BS Nutrition Sciences
Doctor of Physiotherapy
School of Engineering:
BS Robotics and Intelligent Systems
School of Media and Communication Studies:
BS Media and Communication
Institute of Aviation Studies:
BS Aviation Management
BS Aviation Professional Pilot
School of Science:
BS Biochemistry
BS Chemistry
BS Microbiology
BS Physics
BS Mathematics
BS Biotechnology
BS Zoology
School of Social Sciences and Humanities:
BS Education
BS International Relations
BS Sociology
BS Special Needs Education
BS Political Science
BS Gender Studies
School of Professional Advancement:
BS Sports Management
Bachelor of Professional Studies with various specializations
Institute of Liberal Arts:
BS English Language and Linguistics
BS English Literature
BS Liberal Arts
College of Arts, Science and Technology:
Associate Degree Programs in various fields
UMT boasts a rich academic environment with a student-faculty ratio of 25:1, ensuring personalized attention and mentorship. With over 33 years of experience, UMT has nurtured over 25,000 participants, with faculty members exceeding 300, imparting knowledge and skills essential for success in todays competitive world.
Moreover, UMT is a globally inclusive institution, with students from over 20 countries contributing to its vibrant community. The university also offers substantial scholarships, totaling billions in Pakistani rupees, benefiting over 28,000 students.
UMTs commitment to excellence is further evidenced by its consistent ranking among the top 450 universities in Asia. Its multidisciplinary approach to education, coupled with state-of-the-art facilities and industry-relevant curriculum, ensures that graduates are well-equipped to make meaningful contributions to society.
For those seeking advanced education, UMT also offers MS/MPhil programs, providing opportunities for further specialization and research.
In conclusion, UMT emerges as a premier destination for undergraduate education, offering a diverse range of programs, a supportive learning environment, and opportunities for personal and professional growth. With its unwavering commitment to quality and innovation, UMT continues to redefine undergraduate education in Pakistan and beyond.