Revised Merit List for PPSC Sub Engineer Appointment 2024

Lahore, Punjab Public Service Commission PPSC in Lahore is set to appoint candidates to the position of Sub Engineer Civil in the Punjab Irrigation Department Multan. Eligible candidates submitted their applications and were permitted to take the PPSC Sub Engineer Civil Written Exams 2024. Following the announcement of the written exam results, qualified candidates were invited for the PPSC Sub Engineer Civil Interview 2024. After completing the interview process, the final list of successful candidates has been released.
PPSC Sub Engineer Civil Recruitment Recommendations
The PPSC Lahore exams section has published the names of the candidates who successfully passed all stages under the Revised Merit List for PPSC Sub Engineer Civil Appointment 2024. Candidates can review the merit list to see if they have been recommended for appointment by the Punjab government to the advertised position in the relevant department.
Download Merit List From Here:
Revised Merit List for PPSC Sub Engineer Appointment 2024