KEMU DPT 4th Professional Annual Exam Result 2023-24

King Edward Medical University KEMU Lahore has officially released the KEMU DPT 4th Professional Annual Exam Result 2023-24. This result is a crucial update for students in the Doctor of Physical Therapy DPT program who appeared for the annual examinations.
A total of 42 students appeared in the KEMU DPT 4th Professional Annual Examination. Among them, 36 students passed, while 6 students did not meet the required criteria. This result is an important milestone for students as they advance in their studies and prepare for their future careers in physical therapy.
For those who did not pass, there are provisions for supplementary examinations. Failing candidates must submit their examination admission forms with a single fee by September 19th, 2024, or with a double fee by September 26th, 2024. The KEMU DPT 4th Professional Supplementary Examination 2023 is scheduled to commence on October 3rd, 2024. It is crucial for students to adhere to these deadlines to ensure they have the opportunity to retake the exams and complete their program requirements.
As KEMU Fall Admissions 2024 approaches, prospective students interested in the DPT program should stay informed about the latest developments and requirements. The KEMU DPT Result 2024 and the upcoming KEMU Merit List 2024 will provide further insights into the academic standards and performance expectations at KEMU.
Students and candidates can check their results and find additional details on the official KEMU website. The announcement of the KEMU DPT 4th Professional Annual Exam Result 2023-24 underscores KEMUs commitment to maintaining high academic standards and supporting students in their educational journey.
KEMU DPT 4th Professional Annual Exam Result 2023-24