Punjab University LLB Roll No Slip 2024

The Punjab University Department of Examinations has officially released the PU LLB Exams Roll No Slips 2024 for the upcoming annual examinations. These slips are for students enrolled in the LLB 3-year program Part-II, III and LLB 5-year program Part-I, II, III, IV & V.
The roll number slips for regular students of Affiliated Colleges have been sent directly to their respective college email addresses. Students studying on Punjab University campuses can easily access and print their roll number slips directly from the university website at https://pu.edu.pk/splash/allied.
The PU LLB Exams 2024 are set to begin on August 22, 2024. It is essential for all students to download and print their roll number slips in advance to avoid any last-minute issues. These slips are a mandatory requirement for entry into the examination hall, and students must ensure that they carry them on the day of the exam.
This timely release of PU LLB Exams Roll No Slips ensures that students have sufficient time to prepare and organize themselves for the exams. The university administration has taken steps to make the process as convenient as possible by providing digital access to these essential documents. Students are advised to double-check their roll number slips for accuracy and report any discrepancies to the Punjab University Department of Examinations immediately.
With the exams just around the corner, students should focus on their preparations while ensuring they have all necessary documentation ready. The Punjab University wishes all candidates the best of luck in their LLB exams.
Download Roll No Slips 2024 From Here:
Punjab University LLB Roll No Slip 2024