IUB B.Ed & M.Ed Date Sheet for Annual Exams 2018
Bahawalpur, Islamia University Bahawalpur, exams department has already received the admission forms from the candidates, who want to appear in the M.Ed and B.Ed class first annual exams. The students, who want to appear in the Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Computer education in B.Ed and M.Ed class first annual exams, they need to appear in the exams on the scheduled dates and times, which are given in the date sheet. The candidates ensure receipt of the date sheet for their practical papers of these subjects at the B.Ed and M.Ed level and they can appear in the exams on the exact date and time. They can also verify the date and time of their practical papers from online IUB B.Ed class date sheet and IUB M.Ed class date sheet for the year 2018.
Check here the Date Sheet of IUB B.Ed and M.Ed Annual Exams 2018:
IUB B.Ed & M.Ed Date Sheet for Annual Exams 2018