Cambridge Fee For O-Level Exams in Pakistan 2023

The recent announcement of Cambridge Assessment International Education CAIE about 16% increase in exam registration fees per subject for O-Level examination series for the academic year 2023 has caused frustration among parents and students in Pakistan. CAIE is a UK-based provider of international qualifications and it is relied upon by private education sector of Pakistan. However, 85,000 students and their families have criticized the fee hike, which they are struggling to afford due to rising inflation.
According to local reports, the increase in fees will cost approximately Rs.10,000 per session for standard O Level 10thclass students, who study in Pakistan Studies, Islamic Studies, and Urdu exams. Meanwhile, 11th class students may take five subjects, including English, Mathematics, and three natural sciences, will face the increase of almost Rs.15,000 per session. A-Level students will have to pay about Rs.6,000 more for three standard natural science subjects. The students and their parents can check CAIE fee hike for O-level exams in Pakistan 2023.
Parents have expressed disappointment with the increase in fee, stating that public education system in Pakistan does not provide internationally recognized qualifications. They argue that if the local education system was better, there would be no need to spend extra money on private foreign education. Education experts in Pakistan have also criticized CAIEs monetary policies, saying that they do not take into account the specific socio-economic circumstances in the country, which significantly adds to the financial burden on students and their families.
In response to the backlash, CAIE stated that their fee in Pakistan is the lowest in the world and that the increase was necessary to maintain the quality of their programs. The organization claimed to be aware of the local economic conditions in Pakistan and that the fee increase was much less than the prevailing rate of inflation. Nevertheless, the O level fees in Pakistan 2023 have been a source of concern for students and parents alike.