AJKU M.Com 1st Term Autumn Exams Schedule 2020

Muzaffarabad: Azad Jammu and Kashmir University Muzaffarabad AJKU sets the stage for AJKU M.Com 1st Term Autumn Exams 2020, alongside the AJKU M.Com 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Term Spring Exams 2020. Students who have diligently submitted their application forms are now immersed in their exam preparations, eagerly anticipating the release of the AJKU M.Com 1st Term Autumn Exams Schedule 2020. According to the schedule, the examinations will take place from 14 June 2023 to 24 June 2023, with evening sessions starting at 01:30 pm and concluding at 04:30 pm. Fridays papers, however, will be held from 02:30 pm to 05:30 pm. To ensure a smooth experience, students must check their roll no slips for the location of their exam centers and collect their admit cards prior to the commencement of the exams.
You Can Download Datesheet From Here:
AJKU M.Com 1st Term Autumn Exams Schedule 2020