AJK Board HSSC Annual Exams 2023 Subject Allocation

Mirpur, Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education AJK, has recently announced alterations in the subject allocation for the upcoming AJK Board inter part 1 first annual exams 2023. The adjustment pertains specifically to the subject of Feham ul Quran. Students who have studied Feham ul Quran in their intermediate part 1 exams this year will encounter the same subject in their BISE AJK 12th class 1st annual exams 2024.
Likewise, for students who studied Tarjama tul Quran in their 11th class first annual exams 2023, they will face the paper for Tarjama tul Quran during their 12th class first annual exams in 2024. Notably, the education board emphasizes that new students joining the intermediate level will be evaluated on the subject of Feham ul Quran in their inter class first annual exams 2024.
In light of these changes, it is advisable for all students to review the updated scheme of study for all subjects. This information is readily available on the official website of the education board. Staying informed about these modifications will ensure that students are well-prepared for their respective exams and are aligned with the new subject allocation guidelines.